EU key competences 2018

The New Skills Agenda for Europe announced the review of the 2006 Recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning, aware that a shared and updated understanding of key competences is a must for education, training and non-formal learning all over  Europe.

This also to face changes in society and economy,  to have a glance on the future of work, and following the public consultation on the review of the 2006 Recommendation on key competences, both the Recommendation and the European Reference Framework of key competences for lifelong learning must be updated.

The development of key competences, have to start using good practices for educational staff in improving their education, along with new and innovative forms of teaching and learning. Moreover, considering the experiences of the last decade, this Recommendation should address the challenges in implementing competence-oriented education, training and learning in order to enable individuals to have their own competences  and get full or partial qualifications.

It can build on the existing arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal learning as well as the European Qualification Framework, which provides a common reference framework to compare levels of qualifications, indicating the competences required to get them. Furthermore it  may help in constructure learning processes and  helping people to improve their competences.

The Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning has been published and replaced the 2006 Recommendation. What are the competences European citizens need to acquire, actually? Some competences  have been updated, while others have significant changes in terminology, too. The same have to support people in improving their competences from early age on throughout their lives.


The 8 Key Competences are listed as follow:

Literacy competence: can “be developed in the mother tongue, in the language of schooling, and/or in the official language of the country”.

Languages competence: “to help people to communicate to make use of mobility within Europe and in a globalized economy”.

Science, Technological Engineering and Mathematical competence as in 2006: “they are prerequisite for the functioning of technologically advanced, knowledge based societies and economies”.

Digital competence includes 5 areas:

  1. Information and data literacy, including management of content
  2. Communication and collaboration and participation in society
  3. Digital content creation
  4. Safety
  5. Problem solving

Digital technologies must be used instead of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and IST (Information Society Technology) because it is the best term to refer to the complete range of devices and software.

Personal, Social and Learning competence: includes three specific aspects:

  • personal
  • social
  • learning

Civic competence: includes active citizenship, participation, building a sustainable future and stress the role of citizenship, democratic values and human rights in today’s more and more connected global societies.

Entrepreneurship competence: Creativity and the ability to plan and manage processes are evidenced as essential dimensions of an entrepreneurial mindset.

Cultural Awareness and Expression Competence: A huge range of contemporary forms of cultural expressions and also to describe how this competence is a focusing element in understanding, developing and expressing ideas, moreover being able to see the world with positive and open-minded attitudes towards other cultures.

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