


Rinascimente vuole farsi promotrice di una nuova avventura educativa per migliorare strutturalmente la scuola e la società, insegnando ai giovanissimi il gusto di imparare, dis-imparare e ri-imparare per tutto il corso della vita, sviluppando quattro “life skills” centrali per il successo personale, professionale e sociale: pensiero creativo, pensiero critico, collaborazione e comunicazione. Queste abilità e competenze serviranno a formare giovani capaci, consapevoli e curiosi, facendo leva sulle parole d’ordine – mente, cuore, mani – dell’educatore del primo ‘800 Pestalozzi e riportate anche nel nostro logo. Rinascimente è un nuovo progetto di Scuola, nato nel 2014 da un’iniziativa “dal basso” da parte di docenti, esperti e dirigenti scolastici, e promosso dalla Fondazione Enrica Amiotti, dal 1970 al servizio di insegnanti e alunni della Scuola Statale. Rinascimente si fa promotrice di una “didattica del fare”, innovativa, inclusiva e laboratoriale che vede bambini e ragazzi dai 4 ai 16 anni protagonisti attivi del processo di apprendimento e crescita personale, e di un modello di scuola che promuove l’educazione all’ascolto e alle emozioni, contribuendo così all’instaurarsi di dinamiche di gruppo positive per tutti coloro che la frequentano e vi lavorano. Tutti i docenti Rinascimente dovrebbero insegnare non solo cosa, ma soprattutto come e perché imparare, in un’ottica interdisciplinare che tocca innumerevoli linguaggi e ambiti formativi.

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Sugar Daddies and Their Sugar Babies 
Sugar babies are women who seek wealthy older men in exchange for money and benefits, like paid vacations or dinners. Some say women in sugar relationships just have daddy issues, but there are many reasons why women choose to become sugar babies, from the desire for a new experience to the attraction to mature men.  In the past few years, the industry has exploded due to the popularity of apps sugarbook Malaysia like Seeking Arrangement, which actively recruits college students by offering a f… Leggi tutto
1 July 2023, 9:54am

Beauty Devices For Skin Tightening at Home
Beauty Devices For Skin Tightening at Home As technology continues to advance, more beauty devices will be available in the home for skin tightening. While facial skin tightening has long been available in salons, new technology will allow users to tighten their entire body without a trip to the salon BeautyFoo Mall. In 2022, full body skin tightening will be available at the home, and it will cover everything from facial wrinkles to stretch marks on the arms, legs, and hands. This will give eve… Leggi tutto
19 August 2022, 1:18am

The Basics of Personal Finance
The Basics of Personal Finance Personal finance is a great tool for ensuring a secure financial future. It involves careful budgeting, taking into consideration future life events Gine Pro, and managing your spending and savings. This type of financial management can be extremely beneficial. It is also important for people who are starting out in life. In this article, you’ll learn how to get started. Read on to learn more about personal finance and why it’s important to understand i… Leggi tutto
20 December 2021, 3:20am

The Importance of Financial Management
The Importance of Financial Management Financial management is a branch of business that deals with the control and allocation of cash, credit, and expenses. It is an essential part of any organization, since it allows it to operate as efficiently as possible, while maintaining a high level of profitability. It is a vital area of business and should be staffed by qualified professionals Swiss Equity Fund. A successful organization should have a strong financial management plan and make effective… Leggi tutto
19 December 2021, 5:03am

How to enhance the ecommerce business
How to enhance the ecommerce business To make a business online is somewhat difficult because you have to know all the strategies regarding it. To build a blog and ecommerce website you have to approach the best company that provides excellent service Smart Glass technology. You have to consider some of the important factors when creating an e-commerce website. The main thing about making an ecommerce site is a cost-effective website design service. The ecommerce website is a single webpage that… Leggi tutto
4 December 2021, 9:07am

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