Social Reporting

The social reporting according to DPR 80/2013 is a tool for enhancing the skills
for people operated within the school system.
The process that has invested the whole Public Administration is as the same
as affected the school. In fact the attribution of the managerial qualification to
the headteachers and of the managerial direction to the administrative
managers gave them a new look and revised their identity.

They must adapt to the changes and if possible give their contribution to its
improvement, school suggests new operating models and new relationships.
The social context, that integrates its work, determines the training needs of
users, directs the action of the school itself which is aimed to satisfy the
expectations of the context.

School and social context, school and extra-school activate that circularity of
influences feedback, political and cultural orientation.
One of the key elements of the new autonomous school is the attribution of
responsibility to the operational subjects who find themselves reporting on
their work to the various clients, that is to say families, stakeholders in
general, to society in its institutional aspects.

The Social Reporting, as required by DPR 80/2013, should be placed in this new
context. The term, which recalls the idea of a final document, in reality must be
understood in a completely different way. Starting from the idea that the school
has a dynamic and evolving identity, the S.R. is the tool that leads the school
to review its processes and its results.

The S.R. is an expression of the continuous process
of taking consciousness of teachers and of the school in its proper work:
even because it is a starting point for the construction of information, but first
of all, the continuous improvement of education quality.

To comprehend the meaning of the S.R., we have to give a look to the
normative references lead to the DPR 275/1999, that is referred to the
Regulation of autonomy and to the principle of subsidiarity, sanctioned by the
art. 118 of Title V of the Constitution.

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